Website analysis of

Below I listed only those cases, where I saw problems regarding data processing. If some data entry fields are not mentioned, it means I saw no issues there.


Cookie notification banner

The cookie notification banner text should be the following for the website, since third party cookies are used (advertising, analytics):

We use our own and third-party cookies to learn how you use our website, the functionality of the website, as well as to recommend other services that we think may be of interest to you. To find out more about the cookies on our website, see our Cookie policy.

If you click on “Decline All” button, the website stores technical (mandatory) cookies that are necessary for the operation of the website and for the use of which it is not necessary to obtain the user’s consent.

  • Settings
  • Decline All
  • Accept


When visiting the website, cookies cannot be set on the user’s device, before user has agreed to the setting of the respective cookies. It must be possible for website users to agree or disagree with the use of certain cookies when the user browses the website, so that no cookies are set on the user’s device before a specific user’s consent to set cookies is obtained. In practice, this means implementing an IT solution that prevents cookies from being set on the device before the user has individually agreed to these cookies.

In “settings” section, the cookie notification should include the possibility to tick the option to enable certain types of cookies (analytical, advertising cookies). The user must mark the acceptance and consent of certain types of cookies with a “check”. “Check” must not already be marked in the notification; it has to be done by the user.


Supplementing Cookie Policy

I have attached the Cookie Policy. 

In the Cookie Policy you can find a table where information about Cookie name/Description/Type/Duration is shown. Once you installed new cookies on your website, you can use tool for free, where you post a link to your website. 

Cookieserve tool will show all the cookies used on the website and show name/description/type/duration for each cookie.  You simply must add these cookies to table I have attached to Cookie Policy.

It will allow you to make compliant Cookie Policy when you add additional cookies.


Data entry fields

If there will be data entry fields (contact form, email form, etc):

Data entry fields must include checkbox, which states, that person agrees and have read the websites Privacy policy. (must include hyperlink to Privacy policy). CHECKBOX MUST NOT BE PRE-TICKED. User must click the checkbox by himself.

For example, text in checkbox should include the following: 

I have read the Privacy Policy and I agree to processing of my personal data.

Additionally, if it is planned to send marketing e-mails and other commercial use emails or newsletters to users, there also must be a checkbox for user to agree to receiving advertisements or other emails during data entry fields. (Also, user must be able to easily cancel receiving news/ advertisements, or there is information provided on how to cancel further e-mails at the bottom of the e-mail sent by website). For example, text in checkbox should include: “I want to receive news, commercial offers and other benefits to my e-mail address. I give consent that my data will be processed for this purpose according to websites Privacy Policy.”